
Advertising on Instagram - The Complete Guide

February 27, 2019

Why use Instagram?

Instagram is great for connecting with your audience and awareness of your brand. A platform focused on visual content including images and video. Its monthly user total in the range of 800 million.

Types of Instagram ads

Instagram offers five ad formats: photos, videos, carousels, canvas Story ads, and Story ads. All are seamlessly incorporated into Feeds and Stories for a smooth user experience.

Photo ads

Photo Ads are great for business to showcase their products though Imagery and Video. Make sure your content creation is eye-catching to stand out. Photo ads allow you to reach a higher number of people.

Video ads

Videos are a great way to get draw people into your brand. Video’s on social media are getting more views and were even up more than 70% in the end of last year. It’s a fantastic time to showcase your products and catch your customer’s attention.

Carousel ads

Carousel ads gives users a series of images or videos with a direct action button normally to drive them to your website. These ads give you more time to speak about your brand and get your message across. Within this feature will allow you to highlight multiple products displaying up to 10 images or videos.

Stories ads

Instagram stories Ads will appear to specifically targeted users between the stories they are already viewing. There is a huge audience viewing Instagram story ads everyday which again is a great way to get potential customers to see your product or service.

Canvas Story Ads

Instagram Canvas Story Ads combines custom canvas to add a truly unique ad experience. Within Facebooks platform there are plenty of templates to choose from that are available to transfer across both platforms.

So what next?

Instagram ads are a fantastic tool for connecting with your preferred audience, and there are a number of different ad types which can be used. Head over to contact us and let’s talk the best digital strategy for your business or organisation.

February 27, 2019